Life 103

Sunday, February 24, 2008

this morning

Need I say more?

I probably shouldn't ruin the moment but I want to say this: I had a GREAT weekend with a life-long friend who walked my legs off, talked to me about the important hard stuff, and watched chick flicks with me; I LOVE my new lens (thank you God for amazing weather); and, I'm really VERY sorry I missed Steve's sermon (again). Since I can listen to the sermons online, I think I win any way you slice it.

While the world is a very beautiful place, it is also a cold, hard place. AJ's best friend's father committed suicide late last week and a family friend (and father of our kid's favorite baby sitter), his brother (priest at the local Catholic church) and a friend of theirs drowned on Saturday off the coast near Warrenton. If it weren't for the Light and weekends like this, I don't think I could stand it.


  • It's so good that God gives us those beautiful moments in His creation, to help us see eternity and not get stuck in the sadness and the brokeness of this life. I am so sorry to hear of the many ways your family has been dealt some very very heavy stuff this week. I pray that AJ can be a light to her friend in this extremely dark moment. Thank you for capturing a picture of God's love today. -Michelle

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:37 PM, February 24, 2008  

  • Thanks Michelle. The news just keeps getting worse but God remains faithful.

    By Blogger kathy, at 8:59 PM, February 26, 2008  

  • I guess this picture will do for a "note from your Dad" for an excused absence from worship on Sunday! What a great photo. Thanks for sharing it.


    By Blogger Steve Fawver, at 3:21 PM, February 27, 2008  

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