Life 103

Sunday, January 06, 2008

sunday reflection

Today our gathered community was singing We Fall Down by Chris Tomlin and in my mind I could see myself kneeling before the throne of God, as one not worthy, facing into his blinding white light and resting in this elusive yet soothing place. It’s a place I only fleetingly touch when I’m in the zone. It’s been rare as of late.

I want to tell someone that in my mind’s eye I see us together. Approaching the throne of God. I want to say that when I step into the presence of Christ, I bring everyone I know with me. And vice versa. This is important.

I want us to all move forward and kneel together as we sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, foreheads on the floor. I want the people up front to stop talking, to let us rest in the power of the presence. Was I the only one who felt it? I went back to our sanctuary this afternoon and it was still there, love lurking in the stillness.


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